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Protect and Strengthen Your Aura

Updated: Aug 25, 2021

The aura has been known about and written about for thousands of years. It is the protective energy field that surrounds the body. Without a strong, clear aura one becomes susceptible to energetic attacks, entity attachments, and even physical illness. A strong aura is a sign of holistic health and provides a layer of protection from things seen and unseen.

Throughout life traumas occur that create cracks and weaken the aura. These traumas can come from regular life events such as the death of an elderly loved one or physical illness. The traumas can also come from more extreme events like physical/mental/emotional/sexual abuse, tragic and unexpected death of a loved one, accidents, etc. Other things that weaken the aura are things like drug and alcohol use, excessive time around electronics, and poor diet.

In order to strengthen and heal the aura it takes dedication and consistent work. It is a holistic process including emotional, physical, and spiritual work. This means processing one’s emotions (especially the more unpleasant ones) fully instead of suppressing, ignoring, or bypassing them. The physical side of this work means cleaning up one’s diet which is much more than just food. It means monitoring what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, how often you do or don’t move your body, the people you are around, and the activities you are involved in in your daily life. The spiritual work that affects your aura includes things like prayer, meditation, connection to one’s own soul and connecting to the Divine. Note that this does not include rituals, worship of any entity, or connecting with spirit guides. You never know FOR SURE what you are connecting to, and I believe it is safest to connect with one’s own soul and the Divine creator of the universe instead of any specific being.

What Weakens the Aura

  • Drug use (including pharmaceuticals and excessive cannabis use)

  • Excessive alcohol use (one drink on occasion may be okay but much more than that will weaken the aura)

  • Excessive time under fluorescent lights and around electronics

  • Excessive time out of the sun and away from nature

  • GMO and highly processed foods

  • Excessive stress (work, financial, relationships, etc.)

  • Chemicals (from the environment, foods, water, etc.)

  • Connecting with beings or entities other than the Divine creator

  • Suppressing emotions and traumas that are unpleasant

  • Toxic relationships (especially for those with a weak aura, it makes one more susceptible to taking on the “bad vibes” of others)

  • Harmful and limiting beliefs (familial, cultural, and religious)

  • Relying wholly on external sources for protection (crystals, entities, rituals, etc.)

  • Illnesses (when the physical body is weak the energy body is weak and vise versa)

  • Rubber soled shoes

What Strengthens the Aura

  • Grounding/Earthing (bare feet on the bare earth)

  • Being in water (the ocean is the best, then rivers and lakes, then a salt bath)

  • Doing (healthy) things you love (things that put you in a higher vibration emotional states like joy and gratitude)

  • Interacting with nature (a walk in the forest, playing with an animal, gardening, etc)

  • Fully feeling and processing emotions (this does not mean feeding or holding on to these emotions, it means letting them move through like a wave in the water). This is what many people refer to as "inner work"

  • Healing traumas

  • Organic and unprocessed foods

  • Moving the body regularly (dance, yoga, working out, staying active)

  • Spiritual practices (prayers, some forms of meditation, connection to one’s own soul and the Divine Creator)

These lists are by no means complete but they do give a solid foundation of things to start with.

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