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How-To Guide to Energetically Cleanse Spaces

How many times have you walked into a particular building, home, or room and felt an uplifting of your mood and spirit? Conversely, how many times have you walked into a place and felt a cloud of ick, darkness, or heaviness come over you? So many of us are far more sensitive to subtle energies than we realize or acknowledge. Even me, someone who does spiritual healing and energy work, can at times gaslight myself into believing that I’m making up the vibes I am getting from spaces. And although we can’t control everything, we can have a significant impact on the spaces we inhabit. We can choose to treat spaces in ways that enhance our life and being, or drag us down, leaving our spirits feeling heavy. 

I would love for us all to thrive. One practical way that supports each of us thriving is cleansing our spaces. This guide is to give you a step by step process of how to thoroughly clear your spaces of heavy, dense energy and enable those environments to nourish your being. We live best when we have environments that support and revitalize our minds, bodies, and spirits. 

*Scroll to the bottom for a quick list of steps without the in depth explanations

Step 1: Clean and Declutter: Sweep and mop, vacuum, dust, clean mirrors and windows, put things where they belong, donate/throw out what you no longer use.

This may come to a surprise to some of you that this is the first step in cleansing the energy of your space, but I would argue it is vital to it. We live in a world of constant change and decay, as well as growth and renewal. This step focuses on the decay aspect which then will allow for renewal to happen. Before any deep cleansing practice myself, I always do a deep cleaning to start with.

From sweeping and mopping, to laundry, dishes, organizing the desk/paperwork, wiping down baseboards, etc. Every item should have a proper state of cleanliness and proper location. Now, it is understandable that if you are trying to clear an entire house, you may want to take this process room by room so you don’t burn out or overwhelm yourself. 

The energetic purpose of cleaning and decluttering are palpable. When things in our environment become disorganized and messy, our nervous systems and minds can not reach a healthy level of calmness and clarity. If you walked into a hoarder’s space that is overwhelmingly cluttered with items and trash, you would feel that same overwhelm of the space viscerally in your body. That may seem extreme, yes, but the same applies to our personal spaces on a smaller level. Even a messy desk will keep you from being able to think as clearly as you could. Decluttering has a similar effect to cleaning. When we own too many things that we don’t actually use, those objects have a piece of our energy locked away inside them. When we accumulate more and more without releasing the items that no longer add to our lives, we create a constriction that stagnates the energy. This bottleneck blocks the most natural cycle of life on earth; renewal. Healthy energy needs to flow. Things are used for a time and then must be released to open space for the new. Our lives are constantly changing, so it makes sense that our environment would need to echo those changes. Cleaning and decluttering the physical space is a simple way to clear the stagnation and revitalize one’s space.

I also want to make a particular note in this section as well. Please be very intentional in cleaning your mirrors. Mirrors, rightfully so, have been a focal point of innumerable horror movies. There is a reason. Now, I’m not saying mirrors are portals or anything like that. What I am saying is they have a particular energetic significance and so keeping them clean is one quick and practical way to keep their energy clean. It is also important to clean windows and doors often as well. The pathways into our spaces need to remain as clean as possible. Dirty entry points will attract downing energies.

Overall, maintaining a relatively clean and decluttered space is a vital way to protect your energy and the energy that inhabits the space. 

Step 2: Get Grounded: Spend some time relaxing, getting back into your center, clearing your mind and senses.

Once your space has been reasonably cleaned and decluttered, the next step is to clear yourself. Getting grounded can happen in a variety of ways, but the result of being grounded is consistent; being in your body and clear on what energy is yours and what’s not. When grounded, we can sense more deeply and clearly, even if we have our own “stuff” going on. When we are ungrounded (which is how most of us live our lives) we can be disassociated or stuck in the muck of stress and emotions. This disconnect or inner chaos will keep you from reading the energy accurately and in fact, can just add to the discordant energy a space holds. When grounded we are in our center which allows any chaos to settle. This is a necessary state to be in for clear intuitions and impressions to come through about any kind of subtle energy.

Common methods of getting grounded include sunlight, meditation, breath work, yoga, journaling, spending time in nature, time with animals, and more. Whatever method you use does not matter, only that it is a method that works well for you. A daily grounding practice is ideal, but for the purposes of cleansing spaces just taking a few minutes to clear yourself is sufficient. 

My personal preferred method of grounding and cleansing my energy is an active imagination meditation. I sit comfortably somewhere quiet and tune into my body and field. One by one I find places of tension, heaviness, and foreign energies. As I find each place in my field, I use my discernment and intuition to decide what to do with it. Sometimes I open a pathway of light above my head and send it off there. Other times I breathe it down, out through my feet and into the earth. On occasion I will just sit with the sensation and non-judgemental presence helps bring relief to it. 

I would recommend trying a variety of these techniques in your daily life and finding what works for you. Being grounded in one’s body with a clear mind is not only necessary for properly clearing spaces, but it also is a protective barrier from absorbing unwanted energy into our own systems.

Step 3: Clearing Techniques: Smudging, sounds baths, prayer, holy water, etc

You may think that the actual clearing of your space is the most important step. I would argue that the first two steps are vital to build a foundation that allows the clearing to be the most effective. The goal in the clearing itself is to allow the healthy flow of life giving energy to inhabit the space. This can only happen when we have set the space up for success. The cleaning and decluttering opens the space for new energy to flow. Getting grounded and having a clear field and mind allows us to deeply sense where the cleansing is most beneficial. 

When using any clearing methods, location and intent are vital to the process. Keep your intention focused on releasing anything that is stuck or does not belong and inviting in clear, nurturing, and protective energies. Take extra care to cleanse mirrors, doors, windows, corners, sharp angles, and places you sleep or meditate. No matter which method or multiple methods you use, start at the back of your space and work towards the front. Take your time feeling into the time spent in each piece of the space. Like I said before, take special care in spending extra time clearing mirrors, windows, doors, corners, and places you sleep or meditate.

Now I am going to discuss a number of clearing methods. Keep in mind that these are my personal opinions and experiences, not dogmatic fact. I don’t know everything and am open to adjusting these views with new knowledge and experiences in time, which I would highly encourage for you as well.

Smudging: smudging is probably the most widely known of clearing techniques nowadays with the New Age sort of revival that has happened. Smudging is not New Age at all, but a very ancient practice that has been and is used in a wide variety of belief systems and culture throughout known history. From Native Americans, to African tribes, even to Catholic churches. The process of burning is a sacred tradition. The most commonly used smudging materials I have seen are sage and Palo Santo. I have used both and have found them both to be very helpful. The material or incense you choose to use may be different. Tobacco is burned in many native ceremonies. Frankincense and Myrr is burned in Catholic Churches. You can probably find dozens of different incense varieties in any crystal shop nearby. Choose something that feels light, open, and peaceful for you. I would like to give a strong warning here with smudging: if you are doing it indoors you must open windows and doors. Some folks may even warn against burning anything indoors as a cleansing practice. Certain traditions will only burn outdoors because the smoke gives more form to the etheric energies; that is why opening airflow by opening windows and doors is VITAL. You do NOT want to give more form to these energies and then keep them stuck inside the space. I would also encourage the use of all 5 elements in a smudging practice. My preferred method is to burn (fire) sage (earth), while holding a seashell (water), wafting the smoke with a feather (air), and saying aloud cleansing prayers or affirmations (ether/spirit). 

Sound Bath: Sound is another ancient method of healing and clearing. The science behind using sound has come into the mainstream much more in recent years. We know that opposing sound waves cannot exist together. They crash into one another and the dominant wave will take over. The dominant vibration within any space will eventually reconfigure other waveforms to match it. Have you ever noticed someone else’s fear or anxiety get into you?

It is the same idea with sound. Injecting coherent sound in or on anything for a long enough time will overwrite the dissonant vibrations/energies it originally carried. (Note: these are energetic signatures I am speaking of, not the vibratory state and speed of the molecules an item is made up of.) There are a lot of folks out there that will say you need a specific frequency (like 528hz) to have an effective clearing; I completely disagree. What you need is a coherent frequency. It does not matter if you use something of a lower pitch like 172hz. You don’t need to go out and buy high pitched “angel frequency” tuning forks. That will not make your cleansing more effective. Truly, the only thing that matters about the sound is that it is coherent, not dissonant. Coherent sounds are synchronous and orderly, while dissonant sounds are not harmonious. Use your own sensing and intuition to decide what frequency to use if you choose to use tuning forks. The other option is a sound bowl. I have a Tibetan sound bowl that is very harmonious and I have no idea what the frequency is. You can buy crystal bowls that are made to produce a specific frequency, but they can be pretty pricy. For the purposes of just keeping your own home clear, if you choose to use sound, you can find tuning forks for very little cost online. DO NOT get a 440hz tuning fork from a music store. 440hz is NOT a coherent frequency.  If you are looking for something higher quality that is not outrageously priced, I would recommend checking out the Biofield Tuning Store at

Prayer: For many of us, the idea of prayer can leave a dogmatic taste in our mouth. Prayer, while it is a tenet of dogmatic religions, it is not owned by them. The power of prayer is often disregarded to those of us working to release the chains of dogmatic belief structures we were raised under. Prayer in itself is not good, bad, or attached to any particular religious belief structure. Prayer need not be a specific set of words someone wrote thousands of years ago and said were important. True prayer is an opening, offering and even commanding of etheric forces. Be it God, the Universe, Divinity, angels, whoever; prayer is a means of communication with and access to the higher realms. Spoken prayer is also a means of commanding the lower forces, such as those that may get stuck in spaces you wish to clear. As humans we cannot do it all alone, and frankly, we do not do it all alone whether we acknowledge the supernatural forces that surround us or not.

I always pray while I smudge my space; I command all negative forces and energies out, while giving permission for positive higher forces to come into the space. The intention of prayer, especially spoken aloud, is a powerful tool. It can be the sharpest sword to destructive forces or an open path for helpful forces. Using prayer to cleanse a space adds even more power to the clearing. The power of prayer comes from our souls and being, not from any outside tool or authority. My personal belief is that cleansings without prayer are much less effective and less thorough. So I encourage you to add intentional prayer to your toolkit, and if you are open to it, to your daily life.

Holy Water: The truth about holy water is that it is simply water imbued with the essence of love. Love is a frequency that darkness and stagnation cannot coexist with. It is a powerful repellant. Holy water can be sprinkled around in any place that feels extra dense or discordant. Buy it or make your own, it doesn’t matter. I would recommend using water straight from a spring if you are going to make your own, so it has been purified by the earth first. The holy water I use personally comes from Lourdes, France. My mother, who is a devout catholic, gifted it to me and I have found it to be extraordinarily effective. In fact, sometimes I just dab some on my head, neck, heart space, or wherever feels right in the moment, to help keep myself clear. 

Crystals: It is true crystals inherently have powers. Different kinds have different gifts and I will not go into any of that. Personally, I do not use crystals in my cleansing practices. My recommendation if you do use crystals in any way is that you cleanse them in sunlight before and after. If you just happen to have crystals in your space, it’s a good energetic hygiene practice to cleanse them in the light regularly anyway. Some people say moonlight is fine, however I prefer sunlight only. The sun provides the energy required for life, and it provides light, which, if you want to lighten the energy of your space is why I would recommend cleansing crystals with sunlight only. 

Sunlight: Open your curtains and let the light in! The sun provides the energy for all life on earth to exist. Without it, all life would degrade and quickly turn into death. The sun is one of the greatest tools we can utilize in clearing our spaces as well as ourselves. 

Plants: Adding living things to your space also helps keep the energy clear and in flow. I would add plants to a space after it has been cleansed. Plants are more helpful in keeping a clear

space clear than doing the heavy lifting of the actual cleansing. 

Salt Water: There is something very magical about salt water. The salt which is the earth element mixed with the water element is a nice little additive tool to protect a space. I do still need to learn the metaphysics behind it but a bowl of salt water in each room helps clean the energy. I use my filtered drinking water, not straight from the tap, and either pink Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt. I would not recommend using table salt (I would not even recommend ingesting table salt for that matter).

Step 4: Maintaining Your Clear Space: Keep it tidy, add life and joy

Maintenance is always a simpler process than the cleansing itself. If we want to keep a nurturing, life supporting, clear space, maintenance is required. My preferred method is to clean a little each day to keep the mess from piling up. I know that can be difficult with kids, partners, pets, and roommates, but just do your best. Even if there is just 1 room in the house that you can keep up with, that is good. 

As mentioned in the previous section, plants are very helpful beings in maintaining a clearer space. They not only clear out toxins from the air, but also add oxygen which we need to live. The fact that they are a living being also brightens the energy of the room. Choose plants that you feel drawn to and that are safe for your personal situation; i.e. safe for children and pets if you have either. Bowls of salt water are also great maintenance tools. Use clean water and natural salts if at all possible.

Next, open your curtains and windows often. I know weather is usually a determining factor on whether you open your windows. However, if you can stand the heat or cold for even just a few minutes and let some fresh air in, it really helps. It is not only part of bringing fresh, flowing energy in, it is healthy for your physical body as many households just circulate toxic air. Remember, all life and energy needs to flow. Stagnation leads to rotting. Keeping the flow of energy going includes the flow of air in your space.

Finally, maintain the clarity of your space by truly living and loving in it. Life adds to life. Your presence, how you feel, what you say, your thoughts, emotions, and prayers will all contribute to the higher energy. Remember to laugh, connect, and love. Your heart is the most powerful tool in all forms of energy work. 

I would love to hear any comments, insights, or experiences you have from your cleansing practice. Thank you for reading ❤️

Step 1: Clean and Declutter: Sweep and mop,vacuum, dust, clean mirrors and windows, put things where they belong, donate/throw out what you no longer use.

Step 2: Get Grounded: Spend some time relaxing, getting back into your center, clearing your mind and senses.

Step 3: Cleanse the Space: Smudge, sound bath, prayer, holy water, etc.

Step 4: Maintain the Clarity: Keep it tidy, add life and joy

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