The Spiritual community, like all communities, has waves of topics that come into popularity from time to time. In the last few years, this has included the talk of entities and their roles in the evolution of humanity. I’m glad to see this topic gaining popularity because it is a very real and important one, which is why I want to share many truths about entities, how they operate, and how to clear your physical and energy body of any unwanted attachments.
Entities are very real in this physical world. Dogmatic materialists may deny their presence but that is only out of a refusal to think critically through a scientific process of the evidence. Not everything can be measured quantitatively with scales, numbers, and like data. At least for now we do not have the scientific equipment to measure these phenomena in a way that would satisfy the burden of proof for
materialists. I would suspect that most of you reading this article are less materialistic and know that the unseen world is just as real as this physical realm, perhaps even more real. For those of you who see the world through this lens, I encourage you to deepen that knowing and use your knowledge and sensing abilities to help yourselves and others without damnation or judgment. The truth of the matter is that we all interact with malevolent and benevolent entities on a daily basis. We have the power to invite in or expel these energies. We all also have blind spots to which we need deeper understanding and healing in order to be the most clear, authentic, and sovereign over our energy fields and therefore lives.
What is an entity?
When most people hear the word ‘entity’ they often think of something dark and evil. Although there is some truth in that, like every form of life, entities come in a spectrum of types, sizes, powers, and intentions. There are demonic entities, disembodied souls, angels, thought forms, and even low level parasites such as slug-like beings. The word ‘entity’ by definition means it is “a thing with an independent existence.” Just like humans have a very wide variety of physical and intellectual abilities, so do these energetic entities. Since this is the case, not all entities are equal.
Negative entities, which are probably the ones most of us are interested in learning about, are no longer connected to source. These entities are no longer connected to the Source of the universe (some call it God) which is pure love.
Through their own evolution they have become a degraded life form. This all stems from choice and the free will of our world. There are also some entities, like

negative thought forms, that are born of degraded energies. These thought forms are often born of unprocessed emotions that someone stews in, eventually creating an independent form through the power put into it. What is important to know about all negative entities is that since they are no longer connected to Source, they have no creative abilities. They can only copy or imitate what Source connected beings do or create. This lack of connection to love also severs the connection to anything that brings true life, which is a creative process.
How do entities attach to us?
Entity attachments are even more common than sliced bread. Some psychics estimate that the average person is walking around with around 50 entity attachments. I do not mention this to invoke any fear, only to put into perspective the level of discordance humanity has gotten itself into. It is our role as stewards of these human bodies and of this earth to bring back a benevolent harmony of minds, bodies, and souls which will, as a byproduct, expel negative or parasitic entity attachments.
Since not all entities are equal in regards to strength and abilities, most attachments are of purely parasitic beings. Most of these parasites may not be blatantly malevolent either; merely existing in the energy realms looking for a food source. This type comes in forms like slugs, leeches, mosquitoes, ticks, etc. These forms attach purely for survival. They feed off the negative energies we harbor in our energy fields. Things like anger, depression, fear, jealousy, desire and anxiety that get stuck in the field because we do not (or at the time are not able to) process these natural emotions that come up. Just having these feelings and emotions does not bring on an attachment, nor does it mean we have an existing entity attachment. It is a lack of processing these energies that results in them being stuck in the field which then becomes a source of food for these beings. These beings only stay as long as their food source of dissonant energy is present. They leave without any trouble and move on to the next food source, just like any animal in the physical world would move on to another territory when their food source is depleted.

Some more intelligent malevolent beings work in a similar way, attaching to us through the unprocessed emotions, but they have other motives. Some beings have the ability to manipulate the dissonant energies within our systems. They act similarly to the volume dial on a speaker; they can turn up the anxiety, fear, depression, etc. It is important to note that they do not have the creative power to create the dissonant energies, merely to amplify what already exists. These beings are also purely parasitic but work to keep their food source producing. Through amplifying the emotion they are essentially creating a buffet for themselves, and possibly others. This is why inner work, shadow work, emotional processing types of work are vital to our lives. Pockets of stuck emotions are our energy (qi, prana, life-force) that needs to flow to keep us not just alive, but thriving, rejuvenating, healing, and capable of handling all of the chaos that life brings. The trauma that results in stuck emotions most often is not the problem; it is the aftermath of the stuck emotions that create the doorway for things to get into our fields and manipulate our energy, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and even physical body. As Gabor Mate states, “Trauma is not is not what happens to you; it is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you.” If we expand this definition a bit to help us understand what happens energetically, then trauma is not what happens to you, trauma is the lack of energetic flow that happens as a result of what happens to you.
Another dangerous opening for malevolent beings to enter is dissociation. Dissociation is when one’s psyche cannot handle what is happening in the mind and/or emotions and separates from them. This can happen to varying degrees such as just distracting oneself from the inner world to full, out of body experiences. To put it into an analogy; think of your body and energy field as a house. If the house is left empty with the doors and windows open, something will eventually enter and take residence. The human body is prime real estate in all realms. Our bodies are animated by a soul which is a form of energy. When the soul (psyche) leaves the body, for whatever reason, it leaves the “home” open and available for another energy form to come in. Now to be very clear, dissociation is not in itself going to leave you possessed by demons. Only the absolute most extreme cases of dissociation, in combination with a number of other factors, like black magic, would cause a full on demonic possession. However, dissociation can allow less powerful, parasitic beings that are a nuisance to come in. The length of time of the dissociative episode is another factor to consider. Some people spend years or even decades at least partially dissociated from the body. This can be quite dangerous. A few minutes spacing out here and there is not a reason to panic, but it is a pattern that needs to be worked on.
Fear is one of the most prevalent emotions that creates an opening for entities to tag into. It can be any kind of fear as well; fear after a physical attack, fear of poverty, fear of being alone, etc. The resonance of fear is a state of powerlessness that relegates our power to outside forces. This form of energy becomes one of inviting outside power into the system to take control, to be the savior, be in charge, etc. It is also something that can be preyed upon and amplified. While fear is a natural response to some types of events in life, it is how we process that fear that either transmutes it back into our power, or leaves the door open for something else to feed on us. Fear is a tricky one as well, because for many, just the mention of negative entities or demonic forces induces a state of fear. Know with certainty though, they only have power when it is offered or free for the taking. They have absolutely no true power over you or anyone else. The process of inner work/shadow with fear specifically is a massive way to shift the power dynamic, taking back what is rightfully yours.
Loneliness is another key entry point, in fact, it has become an epidemic nowadays. Human beings are built for community and connection. Most of us (myself included at times) numb out that need for connection through distracting ourselves. Occupying our time with work, sleep, watching tv, or other isolating activities, freely available nowadays, only amplifies loneliness. The deepest parts of ourselves, often the hurt inner child (or children) hidden away deep in the psychic spaces are desperately seeking companionship. They have been hidden away as a result of trauma; the energy flow in those moments separated a piece of oneself into the shadow. These parts of us hold so much light and life force, and since they need love, they unknowingly can find it through beings that use their needs as an entry point to feed. Finding, retrieving, healing, and integrating these inner child parts is a vital piece of the healing puzzle. They are waiting within your inner world to be

welcomed back. All they want is to be
seen and loved for who they are; that is why they are so often the victims of these parasitic energies. These negative beings are creatures of opportunity and will take whatever they can find. It is most valuable to them to attach to the inner child parts of ourselves because they are so often cut off from the rest of us, leaving entities to feed unhindered.
Another way that entities can be attached to us is through our ancestral line. As far as things being passed down the ancestral line, burdens of negative beliefs and behavioral patterns are far, far more common than any type of entity attachment. It is possible that up the line, someone was involved in some type of black magic practice that left an energetic imprint in the bloodline which can leave openings for attachments to come in. The important thing here to note is that IF you do have some sort of ancestrally passed down opening you can close it. Bringing things into consciousness is the first part. Once you know what is there you can remove the attachments and close any portals. The healing of generations, both up and down the line, comes down to each of us who choose not to allow the hurt to continue. For the more scientifically minded folks, epigenetics is a very real thing that can be tracked from generation to generation. The stresses we have in life turn our genes on and off. Stress is a type of energy in the body that affects every system, including the DNA. If the energy of stress can impact us on the genetic level and be passed through the ancestral line, why wouldn’t other forms of energy be able to do the same?
Another, multifaceted way that entry points are created is through mind altering substances. Everything from psychedelics to meth to pharmaceuticals can create openings for attachments. If you choose to do psychedelics for healing purposes, it is wise to be extraordinarily cautious of how you do it and who your facilitator is. All psychoactive substances, particularly psychiatric pharmaceutical drugs, alter the energy body significantly. Their effects are not just at a physical, altering chemicals in the brain level. They work on every level of the human being; physical, mental, emotional and energetic levels. Using these very powerful substances as a recreation or as a daily “treatment” is dangerous. They can cause permanent or nearly permanent changes in the physical and energy bodies; disrupting the ability of energy to flow thus creating pockets of stuck energy to be fed off of. Emotions are just energy in motion so please understand that the pathways of flow of the energy body is the foundation of proper flow of emotional energy.

Disrupting this and cutting off one's
sensing of it through highly psychoactive substances has unintended consequences. I deeply understand that people just want to feel better; I was on depression and anxiety medication for over a decade myself. These substances never do the healing. The underlying issues of what you are wanting to medicate or “cure” are actually curable. It takes deep emotional work, persistence, and oftentimes the support of a skilled practitioner to assist in the process. Note: please understand this important point: if you are taking psychiatric medication it is also extraordinarily dangerous to quit without proper support, detoxification and monitoring. If you want to get off pharmaceuticals you need to work with a skilled and trained practitioner who can help you taper off them safely, and to heal whatever it is that led to the medications being used. I advocate for safely removing the use of psychiatric drugs under the care of a properly trained and experienced professional.
Although this is a pretty thorough list, it is not exhaustive. Entity attachments come in a variety of forms, degrees, and power levels. The key in all of this is understanding you have the power to remove them and close the entry points which they target. Know with peace and certainty that every one of you reading this has full power over them, no matter how many, big, or scary they may appear.
How do I know if entities are present? And how do I remove them?
Since entities come in such a variety of forms the processes of determining their presence and removal is a bit nuanced. It is extraordinarily common that a piece of us that is in it’s shadow form is incorrectly identified as a malevolent entity. These traumatic events and the big emotions that become stuck as a result, it is very easy to point to a deeply uncomfortable feeling, negative belief, or destructive behavior and point the finger at it. Believing that “thing” inside oneself is an entity is a dangerous road to go down. The most likely scenario, if entities are involved, is that there is a very powerless parasitic entity that is feeding off the old stuck emotional energy. If you process that emotion then there is no food left and the entity leaves. It truly is as simple as that. There is no screaming, vomiting, distortions of the body or any other exorcism-like events. You do some inner discovery, feel the emotions that were not processed at the time of the original event, let that energy flow like a wave, and then integrate the shifts. It seems a bit disappointing for many that clearing these beings is so lackluster; but that is truly how it goes.

Now, for more powerful entities, especially those embedded deep in one’s psyche or shadow, oftentimes require a skilled practitioner to assist with. It is important that the practitioner has the skill to differentiate between a wounded part of oneself and a foreign malevolent force. The modality of IFS (Internal Family Systems) Therapy is one modality that has a very efficient system in making this distinction. That is in part why I became a practitioner in IFS and why I also have done multiple additional trainings and a multitude of research in entity attachments and removal. The removal process for even these more powerful or intelligent beings is also often lackluster; since they have no power they are simply removed from one’s psyche and energy body. It is vital to close the opening from which they entered, but that is a simple process as well. As an IFS practitioner and a practitioner of energy clearing, I have assisted in dozens and dozens of entity removals, including on myself. The most common response people have are tears in the process but that is not as a result of the entity being removed, it is the result of the healing that must happen to keep the entity out of one’s system. Which brings me to the absolute key of this entire post: healing the entry points is the foundation of regaining sovereignty over your mind, body, and energy field.
To note as well, there are many practitioners out there that have entity removal sessions. I myself offer energy clearing sessions that have removed entities for clients. While I do believe in these types of sessions, they will do nothing to heal you long term. These sessions are merely a stepping stone to help you be more able to do shadow work, inner child work, and trauma healing work. They help you temporarily regain more calmness and clarity so that you can face the darkness and pain with less interference and struggle. If anyone claims they are healing you through an entity removal, that is a lie. Other people only have the power to help you, not to do the healing work for you. It is up to each of us to heal ourselves. I highly advocate for everyone finding a practitioner to help them in their healing process, not just because that is what I do for a living, but because it is important to have support during the healing process. Having support from an outside source also makes it possible for someone else to help point out our blind spots, allowing for deeper healing than one can do on their own. Healing is part of the removal process as well as protection against further attachments.
If you enjoyed this article, have questions or comments, please reach out! I love to receive feedback and have discussions on these topics ❤️Thank you for reading!
Key Takaways:
The negative beings on the energetic planes do not have power over you unless you allow it. Fear of them allows them to have some level of power.
The only way to completely remove something and it never return is through healing the entry point which is the emotional wound or disruption of the energy body.
Be aware of the things you put in your body that disrupt the energy field, particularly alcohol, recreational drugs, and pharmaceuticals
Getting assistance in healing and removal is a practice I advocate for
Basically everyone has some level of entity attachments, mostly of lower level parasites, not malevolent demonic beings
Removal is much simpler than a chaotic and traumatic exorcism
Most entities are opportunistic parasites, like a leech or mosquito
Entities are all around us every day, they cannot touch you without an invitation or energetic opening